
3rd Grade Homeschool Program


Power Homeschool provides an online homeschool curriculum for K-12 students. Third grade is a pinnacle time in a child’s education when they are introduced to increasingly complex concepts and dive deeper into a variety of topics. Our elementary curriculum is carefully designed to engage young learners and create excitement around learning.

Our curriculum consists of video lessons and interactive course materials that allow Power Homeschool students to study the core subjects of mathematics, language arts and reading, science, and social studies as well as various electives.

3rd Grade Homeschool Courses

  • Language Arts and Reading: Our third grade language arts and reading course focuses on further developing our students’ English literary skills, including reading, writing, and speaking. Third graders study the different parts of speech, grammar, spelling, and various writing types.
  • Mathematics: In Grade 3 Math, students further develop their arithmetic skills by diving into more complex mathematical concepts. This includes multiplication and division, fraction, and geometric concepts, including area, symmetry, and shapes.
  • Science: In Grade 3 Science, our third grade students study life and earth science. The course also introduces physics, technology, and space. Our science courses use video experiments to demonstrate the scientific concepts and principles that the students are introduced to.
  • Social Studies: Power Homeschool’s third grade social studies builds off the social interactions and societal norms that students learn in earlier grades. The course gives students a broader perspective on the world by studying various industries, governments, and U.S. and world history.

We encourage our elementary students to take elective courses, as well. Our elementary electives cover coding, engineering, ecology, and music. Learn more about how parents help their students with Power Homeschool’s online curriculum.

3rd Grade Homeschool Experience

Since Power Homeschool is an online curriculum, we hope to provide extensive tools and resources necessary for homeschool students to be successful. Power Homeschool uses the Acellus Learning System that includes video lessons, practice problems, reviews, and extra help videos. The curriculum is designed to give each student a personal learning experience by allowing them to work at their own pace and providing extra assistance when they struggle to understand a lesson.

Students access courses through the Acellus App, which is easy to use for young learners. The app allows students to complete assignments and schoolwork wherever they have access to the Internet.

Parent Involvement

Power Homeschool offers a variety of resources to parents, as well. By using a parent login, parents can view reports, track progress, and set goals for their students. The Live Monitor tool notifies parents when their students are stuck on lessons or problems, allowing parents to provide extra assistance to their students when necessary.

All these resources and more are available when parents log in to the parent portal using the Acellus app. We hope to empower parents to give their students a well-rounded homeschool education. Learn more about how parents help their studentswith Power Homeschool’s online curriculum.

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